Wellness is not a static state of being or "destination" but an active pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyle that leads to a vital, sustainable. Wellness is not just about physical health---it is multidimensional and also includes mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health and well-being.
Mindfulness is a nonjudgmental acceptance and investigation of present experience, including body sensations, internal mental states, thoughts, emotions, impulses, and memories. To live mindfully is to live in the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating the future. Mindfulness and wellness go hand in hand, as cultivating mindful awareness allows for more intentional choices about where to invest one's time, energy, and attention.
Mind/Body Interventions utilize mindfulness-based approaches to elicit the Relaxation Response to reduce the negative impact of stress and improve physical, mental, emotional, and psychological well-being.
Positive Psychology is an approach that focuses on helping people flourish and thrive by cultivating acceptance of the past, well-being in the present, and hopefulness about the future.
Mindfulness, Mind/Body Interventions, and Positive Psychology approaches have all been associated with significant benefits to physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. A growing body of research shows an association between Mind/Body Psychological Interventions and the reduction of emotional distress in fertility patients and even improved pregnancy rates.
Mindfulness is a nonjudgmental acceptance and investigation of present experience, including body sensations, internal mental states, thoughts, emotions, impulses, and memories. To live mindfully is to live in the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or anticipating the future. Mindfulness and wellness go hand in hand, as cultivating mindful awareness allows for more intentional choices about where to invest one's time, energy, and attention.
Mind/Body Interventions utilize mindfulness-based approaches to elicit the Relaxation Response to reduce the negative impact of stress and improve physical, mental, emotional, and psychological well-being.
Positive Psychology is an approach that focuses on helping people flourish and thrive by cultivating acceptance of the past, well-being in the present, and hopefulness about the future.
Mindfulness, Mind/Body Interventions, and Positive Psychology approaches have all been associated with significant benefits to physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. A growing body of research shows an association between Mind/Body Psychological Interventions and the reduction of emotional distress in fertility patients and even improved pregnancy rates.
Stress and Infertility: It is well accepted that infertility causes stress. Studies show that patients presenting for fertility treatment have stress levels comparable to patients with cancer, heart disease, and HIV. A recent study during the initial months of the COVID-19 Pandemic found that infertility patients reported being more stressed by their infertility than the COVID Pandemic. Fertility challenges can impact nearly every aspect of a person's life, including sense of identity and self-esteem, financial security, friendships, relationship with significant other, sex life, and faith. The impact stress may have on one's fertility is more complex. Though certainly stress does not cause infertility, the most recent meta-analyses of research in this area suggest that psychological interventions are correlated not only with a decrease in distress in infertility patients, but also with significantly higher pregnancy rates. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including having the emotional and physical stamina to continue with efforts to conceive and possibly due to improved physiological receptivity/response to fertility treatment.
As with many stressors, while you may not be able to change or control the fact that infertility is stressful, there are tools and strategies that can be learned that will absolutely empower you to choose how you respond to and cope with the stress so that you can navigate this challenging time feeling more balanced, grounded, and resilient. Based on my training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Mind/Body Interventions, and Positive Psychology, I have developed a five session "coaching series" to help you do just that!
Session One: The relaxation response and stress management
Session Two: Modifying internal dialogue to reduce emotional distress and increase hope and resilience
Session Three: Lifestyle changes to promote improved health, energy, and vitality
Session Four: Healthy emotional awareness and responding, self-care, and positive psychology tools
Session Five: Nurturing healthy sources of support and connection
Session One: The relaxation response and stress management
Session Two: Modifying internal dialogue to reduce emotional distress and increase hope and resilience
Session Three: Lifestyle changes to promote improved health, energy, and vitality
Session Four: Healthy emotional awareness and responding, self-care, and positive psychology tools
Session Five: Nurturing healthy sources of support and connection
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is each coaching session?
Coaching sessions are 50 minutes in duration.
Is the format for the coaching series a group or individual format?
The coaching format is five weekly individual coaching sessions.
How do I register for the five session coaching series?
Please call me at (503) 913-4791 or email me at [email protected] to inquire about availability and so that we can explore whether the program would be a good fit for your needs. If you do not reach me directly, it is helpful to provide information about days and times you are available for a return call and for coaching appointments. Please note that I generally schedule coaching appointments between 8am-5pm Mondays through Thursdays and that my later afternoon appointment slots are frequently filled with standing appointments already.
Will the coaching sessions be conducted in person or remotely?
Due to health and safety concerns posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, all services are currently being provided remotely through a HIPAA-compliant video platform
How much does the five session coaching series cost?
The cost for the five session coaching series is $750. There is a $50 discount for pre-payment in full for all five sessions. Otherwise, a payment of $150 per session is due at the time of service for each coaching session. If you would like to pre-pay either the five session coaching package or an individual coaching session in advance, please see the payment option at the bottom of this page.
Can I use insurance to pay for the coaching sessions?
Though I do not bill insurance, if your insurance plan has out-of-network mental health benefits you may be able to use insurance to cover some of the cost of your services. Please be advised that typically for an insurance company to reimburse for mental health services, a valid mental health diagnosis must be assigned to the client. I do collect payment in full from clients at the time of service, but can provide you with paperwork to submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement back to you directly.
Do I need to prepare ahead of time or bring anything to the first coaching session?
Please download, complete, and return the Informed Consent and Intake Questionnaire forms (see forms below at bottom of page), prior to your appointment, preferably at least 48 hours in advance.
What if I need to cancel a scheduled coaching session?
I require 48 hours cancellation notice (phone or e-mail) for appointments, except in cases of illness or true emergency to avoid a late cancellation fee. Except in these cases, the late cancellation fee is $50.